THS golfers getting ready to tee it up at Lincoln!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
THS golfers at Lincoln 8/18/2022
TCUSD3 dismissal times: North: 2:50 (K), 2:55 (1&2) Memorial: 3:00 Jr. High: 3:05 High School: 3:15
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
Memorial Staff gears up for a great school year! Welcome back!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
kids learning on the first day
Memorial Staff
We appreciate our custodians and maintenance crews. Thank you for getting our schools ready for our students!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
custodians meeting in the cafeteria
custodians meeting in the cafeteria
custodians in cafeteria
custodians meeting in the cafeteria
Jenny Moats, we appreciate you! Thank you for organizing another successful Tornado Open!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
Jenny Moats and family
Celebration cake
Memorial Dismissal Procedures Reminder! All students not riding buses should be picked up through the car line. Traffic for dismissal flows one-way moving west on Adams St. Please see the image for more details.
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
Memorial Traffic Flow
Thanks to our school nurses for providing CPR training at North School today!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
CPR training
CPR training
CPR training
CPR training
TJHS Student Services are supporting our kids and community. "If you have a need, we are here to support and encourage." Thank you Nurse Fox, Dean of Student Mrs. West, and SEL Interventionist Ms. Whitehead for making this happen. Together we can make a difference!!!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
TJHS Student Services 22.23
Nurse Fox and supplies
Information regarding North School's Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
arrival/dismissal procedures (North)
North School’s Community Resource Fair was very well attended tonight! Thank you to our community partners for being present!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
Community Resource Fair
Community Resource Fair
Please read the following letter from Aramark relating to food service:
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
Today our new teachers and their mentors spent the day getting to know each other and the processes of the Taylorville School District. A special thanks goes out to our tech team for providing professional development today!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
Mentors and Proteges
Tornado Drill 2022 in the books! It was great to meet members of the Class of 2026! Thank you to Miss Vance, Mr. Hohenstein, Student Council, National Honor Society, Purple Reign, Tommy TV, Tommy Photo, FFA, THS Cheer and Dance, and all staff and student leaders that came out to welcome the newest class to the THS Family! It's a Great Day to be a Tornado!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
Tornado Drill
Tornado Drill
Tornado Drill
Tornado Drill
Our new fleet has arrived! TCUSD #3 has received 3 new academic buses. These buses were obtained through ESSER III funds!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
TCUSD #3 Bus
North School Meet the Bus event Wednesday, August 10
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
Don’t forget to come see us!
Good Morning THS, Please see the Student Portrait Form from Tommy Photo. Freshmen will take pictures during Tornado Drill. Sophomores through Seniors will have pictures taken during the first weeks of school.
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
Tommy Photo - Student Portrait Form
Memorial and North Families: It's the moment you have all been waiting for!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
Log into Skyward and look under "student info"
Please read TCUSD 3's Opening Plan for the 2022-2023 school year:
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
TJHS Student Council members begin the year with community service at the forefront!
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
TJHS Registration
TJHS Student Council
Tornado Nation
Attention 1st grade through 4th grade parents and students: We will be hosting a "Meet & Greet" August 15, 5:00-6:30. Come see us.
over 2 years ago, Taylorville CUSD3
Meet & Greet 2022
Community Resources