TJHS Student Council members begin the year with community service at the forefront!

Attention 1st grade through 4th grade parents and students:
We will be hosting a "Meet & Greet" August 15, 5:00-6:30. Come see us.

In-person registration is available today in each school building from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm.

Access current breakfast and lunch menus within each building's website under DINING. All menus are also available on our new app. Select your child's building > MENU > DINING.

To: TCUSD#3 parents/guardians and TCUSD#3 staff
From: TCUSD#3
Re: Vaccine Clinic at CCHD and Covid Vaccine Clinic at THS
To accommodate families and staff:
THS East Gym:
Covid Vaccine Clinic for ages 6 months and up will be available:
August 4, 2022 from 1 pm to 3 pm at the East Gym of THS during registration.
August 5, 2022 from 9 am to 11 am at the East Gym at THS during registration.
First dose, second dose or boosters will all be available. Moderna vaccines will be offered during these two days. Please bring your insurance card with you.
Christian County Health Department:
CCHD will run an all day shot clinic and extend their hours to 6 pm on August 4th and 5th as well as August 9th and 11th to accommodate families. Appointments are appreciated but not required. Walk-ins are welcome. Vaccines needed for Kindergarten, Sixth, Ninth graders and Moderna first dose, second dose, and boosters for all ages will be offered. Most major medical insurance are accepted as well as medicaid.
Call CCHD in advance 217-824-4113. CCHD is located across the street from Taylorville High School behind Advanced Eye Care.
Required vaccinations:
Kindergarten (4-6 years) - MMR, Varicella, DTap, Polio
Jr. High (11-12 years) - Tdap and Meningococcal
High School (16 years) - Meningococcal
Optional for 11 years and up - HPV

Register for the 22-23 school year online as soon as possible. Select the REGISTRATION button on our website to begin the process through Skyward. Beginning Aug 8th, transportation forms will need to be completed on paper. Forms will be available in the school offices. In-person registration is available Aug 4th, 5th.

Good Morning THS,
As we get prepared for the 2022-2023 School year, I would like to send out items from the THS Student Handbook to prepare us for a successful school year.
Cell Phones / Cell Phone Usage
Cell phone usage is prohibited during instructional time at Taylorville High School. Cell phones should be set to silent mode or turned off upon entering the building. It is permissible for students to use cell phones before school, during passing periods, or during lunch. Cell phones are not to be seen or heard during instructional time. (This includes headphones/earbuds are not to be in use, in ear, or visible.) Cell phones should be placed in the cell phone holders during instructional time. On occasion, teachers may allow students to utilize cell phones for educational purposes. Any use of cell phones in locker rooms or bathrooms is strictly prohibited.
Students whose cell phones go off during class or disrupt the learning environment are subject to disciplinary action as determined by building administration.
Cell phones are popular items of theft. Taylorville Community Unit School District #3 is not responsible for the loss, theft, damage or vandalism to student cell phones. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to ensure that if students have cell phones in their possession they should not leave them unattended or unsecured.
See you soon,
Mr. Hutchison

HSHS Medical Group Multispecialty Care in Taylorville is offering school and sports physicals. See flyer for more information.

Attention THS students and parents:

North School will host "Meet the Bus" on August 10.

New this year - School breakfast and lunch is available to all students at no charge.

We are loving our new app! Access documents,
news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from
your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3N3fFLv
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3sW92CA

Taylorville CUSD #3 is hiring for a Special Education High School Teacher. Please contact us at: 217-824-4951 ext. 1002.

The Mobile Food Pantry is coming to Edinburg on August 25!

We are here today through Thursday from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM or call: 217-824-4951 ext. 1002 to schedule a different date and time that works best for you.

A message from THS Principal, Matt Hutchison:
I hope that everyone is having an enjoyable summer! I know we still have plenty of summer left but we are busy preparing for the school year.
The custodial staff is doing a great job. As part of the summer work we are moving lockers out of the East Wing as we prepare for upcoming construction.
This is a good time to remind students that we will be utilizing lockers for the 2022-2023 School year. Students will not be allowed to carry book bags from class to class! Students will be required to utilize lockers! This will take some organization and planning on the part of students to know what books/supplies they will need for classes. Students will be allowed to carry their Chromebook bag, however, contents should be limited to Chromebook and charger.
Have a great rest of the Summer! See you soon!

Updated school supply list for TJHS: https://5il.co/1ec1n

HSHS Multispecialty Care – Taylorville at 1304 W. Burnett Dr. is currently offering walk-in school and sports physicals Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. through the end of August.
However, in an effort to catch a majority of those that need this service we will be hosting two extended hour opportunities on the following dates/times.
Saturday, July 30, 2022 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Patients can call 217-321-9310 to schedule an appointment for the extended hour sessions, or they can just walk in during those times.

Information from Springfield Clinic regarding school and sports physicals, along with walk-in hours.

Taylorville Urgent Care is offering school and sports physicals for $35. See the attached flyer for details.