On days when the weather is either too cold or too wet/snowy, we have a different dismissal procedure in place. The cold weather procedures definitely take longer than normal, and we ask that everyone assists us by being patient! Our focus is to avoid students out in the elements too long!
We will try our best to send an alert that we are using our cold weather dismissal procedures.
We will focus on the car traffic first so that we can get traffic flowing. Therefore, if you are a parent who normally walks up to pick up your child, it is preferred that on theise days you join the car line.
If you choose to still walk up, please be aware that on these days you will have a longer wait time as staff members will be assisting students to cars and calling names
We will get the names of the parents in the car line as normal. Once traffic starts flwoing, there will be a staff member waiting at the edge of the circle drive to collect names and call into the office with the names so that we can get the students out to you in a timely manner.
Please do not crowd the doorway or interrupt our car line flow by telling staff members that you have to get your child. As stated previously, it is preferred that if at all possible, you use the car line on these days
As teachers have fewer students in their care, they will combine classes in order to get more staff members outside to find out who is waiting for their child outside of the door.
We appreciate your assistance in following our procedures and being patient on the days in which we have to put this plan into place.
Please make sure that your phone numbers are up to date in Skyward. If there is an error, please call the office in order to get the changes made. This is how we alert parents of our changes in dismissal prcedures, as well as possible snow days or early dismissals due to weather.