The Taylorville Community Unit School District #3 Board of Education is accepting applications to fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Jennifer Norris. The individual selected will serve on the School Board from the date of appointment until the next School Board election held in April of 2025. Applicants cannot reside in Taylorville Township and should show familiarity with the Board’s policies regarding general duties and responsibilities of a Board and a Board member, including fiduciary responsibilities, conflict of interest, ethics and gift ban. The board’s policies are available at Applications and a complete list of qualifications can be picked up at the district office located at 1100 N. Sportsman Dr., Taylorville, IL or on the district website Completed applications and resumes must be turned in to Mrs. Connie Mitchell, District Secretary, at the district office, 1100 N. Sportsman Dr., Taylorville, IL. by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 27, 2024. Selected candidates will be called to schedule an interview.

Board Vacancy News Release
September 12, 2024