Mrs. Thomas and Ms. Reiser brought festive fun to their kindergarten classrooms with a literacy and writing activity all about reindeer. Students explored reindeer-themed reading and writing activities before creating their own reindeer by following step-by-step directions. This activity combined literacy skills with creativity and holiday cheer! Here are Mrs. Wolf and Mrs. Rexroad's classes.
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
Mrs. Thomas and Ms. Reiser brought holiday cheer to the 4th-grade classrooms with a creative literacy lesson centered around ugly holiday sweaters. After exploring themed reading and writing activities, students had the opportunity to showcase their creativity by designing their own ugly holiday sweaters specifically for their teachers. Here we see the festive designs from Mrs. Long, Mrs. Hubbartt, and Ms. Donovan's classes.
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
Mrs. Thomas and Ms. Reiser brought holiday cheer to the 4th-grade classrooms with a creative literacy lesson centered around ugly holiday sweaters. After exploring themed reading and writing activities, students had the opportunity to showcase their creativity by designing their own ugly holiday sweaters specifically for their teachers. Here we see the festive designs from Mrs. Salazar and Ms. Jett's classes.
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
Weekly Verse 7 Join FCA on Wednesday mornings at 7:45 for breakfast and a devotional! Photograph by Lauren Metcalf
about 1 month ago, FCA
Subject: School Closure Due to Inclement Weather Dear Families, This letter is to inform you that Taylorville CUSD 3 will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7, due to icy and drifting road conditions. E-Learning Day: To ensure continued learning, tomorrow will be an E-Learning day. Teachers will provide students with assignments and resources through our online learning platforms and/or worksheet packets that were given to parents/guardians during PT Conferences Students Without Device Access: We understand that some students may not have access to devices at home. Please be assured that students without access will be given ample time to complete assignments upon their return to school. No student will be penalized for lack of access during this remote learning day. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Sincerely, Brandi Bruley Superintendent TCUSD 3 Brandi Bruley, Superintendent 1100 N. Sportsman Drive Taylorville, IL 62558 217-824-4951
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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We'd love to see our Tornadoes outside in the snow. Drop your snowman photos in the comments. #bundleup #firstsnowof the year
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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The Building Committee Meeting for 4:00 today (1/6/25) has been canceled. A new date/time has not been set yet.
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
Some high school teachers enjoyed "twin day" with Principal Matt Hutchison.
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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Mrs. Salmon’s 6th grade science were challenge to creat a Moon Buggy. The Moon Buggy had to meet four requirements. Students practiced their engineering and design skills and found the hardest part were the wheels.
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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8th grade students at TJHS are partnering up in ELA to annotate ‘The Cremation of Sam McGee
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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7th grade science dissecting owl pellets. Students were able to determine what the owls diet was and the ecosystem it lived in based on their discoveries.
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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Mark your calendars for the TMH Walking Challenge starting January 2nd. It's a great way to stay active and healthy after the holiday season!
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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Wishing our staff, students, and community a healthy and safe start to the new year. Here's to making 2025 our best year yet!
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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Mrs. Reindl went into Mrs. Mateer's computer science class atTHS and taught the students about the glowforge. She worked with them on designing an image to be laser printed on the glowforge. They then got to go to the Stem Lab and watch the glowforge work.
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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Students at TJHS worked in groups to design, build and test prototypes of insulated cups. These student creations will hold and ice cube and be tested under 3 heat lamps for 20 minutes! Pictured are students designing and building their coolers.
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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Weekly Verse 6 Join FCA on Wednesday mornings at 7:45 for breakfast and a devotional! Photograph by Marley Dively
about 1 month ago, FCA
Mrs. Boehme came in on Monday to do fun snowflake art with our fourth graders! She retired last year, and this is the first time our students got to do art with her again. The students absolutely loved having her back in the classroom, and it was so great to have her back at Memorial School!
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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3rd Graders at Memorial Elementary who had excellent behavior the entire month of December were able to attend a “Gloop” party. Thank you to the PTA for throwing this party and all of the supplies!
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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Students in Mr. Howard's science classes completed a Gummy Bear Sacrifice experiment. They were testing the combustion reaction. Demonstration of a Combustion reaction of sugar. C12H22O11 + 12O2 --> 12CO2 + 11H2O
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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TJHS passed out more journals that were donated by the Christian County Health department. SEL counselors helped distribute these to students for their own personal use. Thank you to the Christain County Health Department for your generous donation.
about 1 month ago, Taylorville CUSD 3
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